"Teaching Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki is my passion. It brings me infinite joy to spread this miraculous spiritual healing method to anyone ready to help heal themselves, humanity and/or the animal kingdom. After taking any of my classes you will have the skills, knowledge and confidence to practice as a Reiki practitioner and/or teach as a Master." Dennie
All classes are based on the William Lee Rand method from the International Center for Reiki Training. Each student receives a manual for Level I and II, a manual for Holy Fire® Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki® Master level, and a completion Certificate for each level of Reiki taught in Santa Rosa, CA, or online.
Dennie is a Usui/Holy Fire®ï»¿ III Karuna Reiki® Master with the World Peace upgrade. Anyone can learn online or in-person to receive healing in their hands to use it on yourself and others. The first level puts Reiki in your hands but it does not have any symbols to direct the energy. Each level thereafter has symbols. Once you have Reiki the energy will never leave you whether you use it or not.
The difference between the traditional Usui Reiki and Usui/Holy Fire® is that Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki comes from a higher consciousness. It is not passed on from teacher to student as done through traditional Usui Reiki. Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki symbols are placed within you and the energy is ignited through higher consciousness of Universal energy. Moreover, since the process is not passed on from the Master to the student, the Master's personality and or bias cannot be passed on making the energy purer for the student. In addition, since Usui/Holy Fire® is channeled from the source, the student can teach it online which is not possible with Usui Reiki.
Notably, I support all of my students for life. Plus, I provide review classes scheduled at your convenience for all four levels for my students by Zoom at deeply discounted prices.
I am often asked what is the difference between the levels of Holy Fire®ï»¿ Reiki that one receives. The response to this question might best described by the following examples. First, without Reiki you are moving under your own energetic power. Then when you receive the training of Reiki I & II the energy empowered by the three symbols you learn is like that of a speeding motorcycle easily maneuvering through traffic on a freeway. The next level is Holy Fire®ï»¿ Reiki Master where you learn two more symbols and that energy is like getting off from the motorcycle and into the driver's seat of a fancy race car, punching the accelerator pedal and racing around a track. The last level, Holy Fire®ï»¿ III Karuna Reiki®ï»¿ Master is like getting out of the race car and into the pilot's seat of a 747 jet, throttling it forward, speeding down the runway...accelerating into the sky, and that is like the energy empowered by the eight symbols of Holy Fire®ï»¿ III Karuna Reiki®ï»¿ Master.
I am empowered by the most recent upgrade, the World Peace upgrade and my students will receive it during their Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master training.
Pre-payment is required to reserve your space and order the manual. Class space is limited. Cancellation fee applies.

Certified by the International Center for Reiki Training
10:00am - 5:00pm
•The nature of Reiki energy
•The fact-based history of Reiki
•The Reiki Ideals
•The complete hand placement system
•Giving Reiki to yourself with Reiki I
•Gassho meditation
•Byosen Scanning: Using the sensitivity in the hands to locate areas needing healing, (usually in the aura) to treat
•Reiji-Ho: Using inner guidance to know how and where to treat
•Kenyoku: Dry bathing, a method to purify your energy field
•Koki-ho: Using the breath to heal
•Gyoshi-ho: Sending Reiki with the eyes
•Programming Reiki & sending it on the Internet or in-person
•Animal Reiki
•Reiki II symbols. How to draw, activate and use the 3 symbols. The symbols' many uses are explained and their inner meaning is discussed.
•Practice time is sufficient for students to know from experience how the energy of each symbol feels and the results each symbol produces.
•Placements for Reiki I & II are given​
•Certificate of Completion as a Holy Fire® Reiki II and Reiki The Healing Touch I & II manual by William Lee Rand.
Continuing Education Contact Hours (CEs)
A Certificate of Completion is available for all Reiki classes for medical professionals. This is an added benefit of our training programs, and this service is offered at no additional charge.
You may turn the Certificate of Completion into your licensing or certification board for potential credit toward your continuing education or contact hours for your license or certificate. Each state board, state, national board or licensing agency makes its own decision on whether to accept this form and how many hours, if any, to accept for Reiki classes. Please request the certificate when registering for a class.
Cancellation/Refund Policy: $195.00 non-refundable cancellation fee for cancelling 5 days before the scheduled class date. Example: Class is on 5/10, you need to cancel before 5/04 to avoid the fee. There are exceptions for certain situations and will be determined on a case by case basis by Dennie Sunbeam.

In-person training
10am - 5pm
Booking Your Dates is Available!
More dates below or call to book your dates
Register a friend and receive 10% <$49.50> off your registration cost & contact Dennie to pa
$150 is a non-fundable deposit within the registration fee if you cancel for any reason.
More Dates Reiki I & II
*Online - May 31st & Jun 1st
In-person - Jun 14th & 15th
in-person - Aug 23rd & 24th
In-person - Oct 18th & 19th
In-person - Nov 22nd & 24rd
​*To register for online class scroll down
Custom dates available
Anyone can learn Reiki. You will be qualified to practice Reiki upon completion of this class. Reiki is a beautiful life-force energy given to us as a gift to renew and heal ourselves.
In my two-day class, you will be attuned through a placement to the Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki energy, connecting you to this incredible source of love. You will be opened to the flow of Reiki enabling you to channel its energy to others and yourself. You will be taught how to allow this divine gift to come from the light above, through your heart, and out your hands.
This beginning training is one of the most thorough and comprehensive available. It includes both Reiki I & II and is a combination of the Western style as introduced by Mrs. Takata and the Japanese style.
On completion of the class, you will be able to give Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki sessions to yourself and others. This workshop includes Holy Fire® Reiki I & Reiki II placements, certificates, the complete manual for Reiki I & II, “Reiki The Healing Touch” by William Rand. In addition, you will be certified as a Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki II Practitioner under the guidelines of the International Center for Reiki Training.
The class is a combination of lecture, discussion, demonstration and practice time. Each student experiences giving and receiving a complete treatment using Byosen scanning and the hand placement system.
Practice time is given using all the Reiki II symbols as well as the techniques mentioned above.
This beginning training is particularly invaluable to anyone in the medical field. Reiki has no side effects and will not interfere with any medical procedures or medications. In fact, it will help medications produce optimum results, reduce patient's healing time and stress.
See the class outline and testimonials below.
Space is limited
Payment plans are available to remove any financial blocks. Please contact Dennie today to arrange payments.

How do you use your Holy Fire® Reiki skills now that you have completed your level of training? Join me for an hour to discuss creative and practical ways to incorporate Reiki to improve your daily life. This workshop will be customized to your specific needs and situations. This workshop can be scheduled again and again as life becomes challenging, confusing or a crisis appears.
Get the help you need and schedule Zoom on a day and time that works for you.

* Booking Your Own Class Dates is Availalbe! *
May 31st & Jun 1st
10:00am - 5:00pm Pacific Time both days
Register a fiend and receive 10% <$49.50> of your registration.
The curriculum for the 2-day on-line class is the same as the in-person class. The manual will be mailed to your home address before class. To take the on-line class you are required to have a good internet connection and camera. Registration must be paid 14 days prior to the class date to allow enough time for the manual to arrive at your home. Please contact Dennie if you have any questions.
$ 150 is a non-refundable portion of the registration fee if you cancel for any reason.
Registration Deadline May 20th due to my traveling and to get the manuals ordered and delivered to your home before the training begins.
Payment plans are available to remove any financial blocks. Please contact Dennie today to arrange payments.

Certified by the International Center for Reiki
10:00am- 5:00pm
The Usui Master attunement which increases the strength of the Reiki II practitioner's energy.
•The Usui Master symbol which increases the effectiveness of the Reiki II symbols and can be used for healing.
•Practice using the Usui Master symbol.
•Reiki meditation strengthens the mind and expands consciousness.
•The use of crystals and stones with Reiki.
•How to make a World Peace Reiki grid that will continue to send Reiki to you and others after it is charged.
•The Holy Love experience in which Divine Love is placed in your heart.
•The complete Reiki III Usui/Holy Fire®ï»¿ III Master ignition.
•Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements placements and ignitions for Reiki I & II and Master.
•The Healing attunement that can be given to anyone and directs the powerful attunement energies to heal.
•The Usui/Holy Fire®ï»¿ III system of attunements and ignitions is taught as used by the Center and the Usui system of attunement placements is explained.
•The Holy Fire®ï»¿ III symbol is given for a total of five.
•Lots of practice time doing Holy Fire® ignitions.
•How to give yourself attunements, placements, and ignitions.
•The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master.
•130 page Reiki Master manual by William Lee Rand.
•Certificate of Completion aws a Usui/Holy Fire®ï»¿ III Ryoho Reiki Master .
•Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master Lineage chart
•A gift of a one year subscription to Reiki News Magazine.
Instruction is given on the Usui/Holy Fire®ï»¿ III system of attunement placements and ignitions. Other variations are also outlined in the class manual. There is plenty of class time used for practice so the student becomes confident in administering Reiki attunements and ignitions. The in-person class information is exactly the same as the on-line class. The on-line class teaching instructions are in the Master manual.
In addition, for Nurses and Nurse Practitioners Continuing Education Contact Hours (CEs)A Certificate of Completion is available for all Reiki classes for professionals. This is an added benefit of our training programs, and this service is offered at no additional charge.
You may turn the Certificate of Completion into your licensing or certification board for potential credit toward your continuing education or contact hours for your license or certificate. Each state board, state, national board or licensing agency makes its own decision on whether to accept this form and how many hours, if any, to accept for Reiki classes. Please request the certificate when registering for a class.
Note: The in-person class is significantly less than the on-line class due to less administrative needs.
Cancellation/Refund Policy:
Cancellations requesting a refund (less $375 a non-refundable registration fee) can be sent in writing by mail or by email up to 5 days prior to training date. No funds after that deadline!
Your payment is required in advance to order the Reiki Manual. Thank you. There are exceptions for certain situations and will be determined on a case by case basis by Dennie Sunbeam.
In-Person Class
* Booking Your Own Dates is Available! *
June 20th, 21st & 22nd
10am - 5:00pm all 3 days​​
$1099 - Register a friend and you receive
12% <$132> off your registration
Space is limited.
Registration Deadline June 6th
(payment plans available)
$350 is a non-refundable portion of the
registration fee if you cancel for any reason.
More Class Dates
Holy Fire® Reiki Master
Online - May 23rd, 24th, 25th
In-person - Sept 19th, 20th, 22nd
- - - - - - - - -
To register for the online class
scroll down...

In this 3-day class there are many levels of powerful healing experiences and intensive training on how to instruct, attune the placements and ignite students to all three levels of Reiki, includes the Master manual, symbols and a certificate upon completion.
You will learn the Master symbol, which in conjunction with Reiki, creates a noticeably stronger channel between the Physical Self and the Higher Self. It allows more of the unlimited wisdom and power of God to manifest directly on the physical plane. It intensifies and focuses the Reiki energy, causing it to more firmly establish positive results in a defined, grounded and permanent way. All the qualities of Reiki, including the actions of other symbols, are enhanced by the use of the Master symbol.
You will also learn the Holy Fire® symbol. It can burn up byoki, which is negative ki, release malefic spirits or other entities that are not compatible with a person's path of development, and it can purify these processes - the first steps of healing.
In addition, Holy Fire®ï»¿ III originates from higher dimensions of consciousness we call the heavens. In the fourth and fifth heavens, the levels of consciousness there are aware of the dormant parts of us and can heal them, and as healing happens, more of our Authentic Self can emerge.
In this class you will get the World Peace Upgrade which replaces the International Center for Reiki Trainings' former training from 1995 and learn how to build and use the World Peace Reiki grid.
After taking this Usui Holy Fire®ï»¿ III Reiki Master class you will be certified as a Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master under the guidelines of the International Center for Reiki Training with the ability to facilitate placements and ignite others to Reiki.
While the content of the class will allow anyone to pass on the ability to do Reiki to others and to teach if one chooses, many take the class for their own use, or to use it for family and friends, or to build a client base.
Prerequisite. The Master class for a student who is a Reiki II practitioner and it's been six months since you received your Reiki II certification.
This class may be taken by yourself, in-person or online. See the class outline and class testimonial below.
Cancellation for any reason is a $350 non-refundable fee from your registration.
Payment plans are available to remove any financial blocks. Please contact Dennie today to arrange payments.
Space is limited - Registration Deadline April 11th
Cost $1295 on Sale Now $1099

Contact Dennie if you are interested in registering for a date not scheduled.
Training with the World Peace Upgrade
* Booking Your Own Dates is Available! *
May 23, 24, & 25
Registration Deadline May 9th
Register a friend and you receive 12% <$132> off your registration
The curriculum for the online course is the same for in-person. You will receive a manual in the mail. Due to the extra details involved in creating and facilitating an online class the cost is more than in-person.
Registration is required to be paid in full and your manual is mailed to your home before training begins!
Prerequisite. You need to be certified as a Reiki II at least 6 months prior to taking a Master class.
$350 is a non-refundable portion of the registration fee if you cancel for any reason.
Payment plans are available to remove any financial blocks. Please contact Dennie today to arrange payments.
$1295 on Sale Now $1195

5 hour class can be scheduled any day, any time, in-person or online
This upgrade applies to any lineage of Reiki Masters who are not Holy Fire® Reiki Masters. This upgrade will give you the Holy Fire® Reiki symbol empowering you to channel Holy Fire® Reiki from Source. This upgrade is a purer form of energy than you currently have and intensifies and increases the healing potential in a gentle way. You will receive the Holy Fire® Ignition and learn how to conduct Holy Fire®Placements and Ignitions (replacing attunements). You will receive the World Peace upgrade and learn how to make and use the World Peace grid. This upgrade eliminates the need to touch a student to pass on Reiki. Holy Fire® Reiki enables the Reiki Master to conduct online classes and successfully place the symbols in your students online or in-person without touch. The Fire Serpent and Tibetan Master symbols are retired, and the Violet Breath is no longer required as a Holy Fire® Reiki Master. You will receive the Holy Fire® Reiki Master Manual before the class if taking it online.
Scheduled at your convenience.
Cancellation Policy: $175 fee for canceling.

Option 1) April 4th, 5th & 6th
Option 2) Jun 6th, 7th & 8th
*Booking Your Own Dates is Available! *
$350 non-refundable deposit.
Registration deadline two weeks before the class starts
10:00am - 5:00pm all 3 days
This is the highest level of Mastership and increases your symbol knowledge by 8 more. You will be qualified as a Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master upon completion of this workshop. If you are an Usui Reiki Master, this training will upgrade your skills with the Holy Fire® symbol and the World Peace Upgrade, plus the 8 Karuna symbols.
Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® is described as the Reiki system of Divine Compassion. It is the energy of compassionate action, compassion combined with wisdom. Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® assists us in healing the qualities that are out of alignment with divine love. It connects us to the higher vibration within and of the world around us. Through this connection, we begin to see our lives with new eyes.
The Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master workshop is a three-day intensive. After completing this class, you will be a full Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master, able to practice all the techniques and give all the ignitions for Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki®.
Pre-requisite. You must have been a Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master for at least six months to take Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master training.
Payment plans are available to remove any financial blocks. Please contact Dennie to arrange payments.
Course Curriculum:
Description, learn,, use and discuss all 8 Karuna symbols and the Holy Fire® symbol if you are a Usui Reiki Master.
Ignitions to the Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® practitioner and master symbols for a total of 8 Karuna Master symbols (9 if you are not a Holy Fire® Reiki Master).
Meditations for self-healing and removing blocks to your progress utilizing the Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® symbols
Instruction and practice in giving and receiving Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® treatments using all the symbols
Instruction and practice in giving ignitions for Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Practitioner and Master levels
Chanting and toning with Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki®
$350 is a non-refundable portion of the registration fee if you cancel for any reason.
$1375 on Sale Now $1198

Review Holy Fire® Reiki I & II
2 hours to receive supportive training for anything that you need help with, including symbols, online healing method, distant healing techniques, client prep & client session, and more.
Review Holy Fire® Reiki Master with World Peace
Dennie's students are eligible to receive additional supportive training on the Master materials such as: World Peace Grid, symbols, and any techniques you are unsure of. Plus you will receive an Experience and have questions answered. 4 hours.
Review Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
Dennie's students are eligible for supportive training of the material in the manual and have questions answered. They will also receive an Experience. 4 hours

Scheduled Dates
Custom dates/times available!
Online - July 20th 3:00pm - 5:30pm Pacific on Zoom
In-person - July 27th 2:00pm - 4:20pm
You need to be a Reiki II practitioner or Master to take this workshop.
You will learn the hierarchy of the angelic realm and the names and abilities of 10 Archangels.
You will learn how they are used, you will experience the different energy of each one and how your flow of Reiki is with each Archangel.
You will experience this Reiki technique that boosts your ability to heal yourself and your clients on a dramatically high energetic frequency for better outcomes, especially when used for healing serious, chronic and life threatening illnesses.
Dennie used this healing technique at Sharps Memorial Hospital in San Diego when she was an active member of the San Diego Reiki Corps. When she used it on patients in the Oncology Unit it was reported to her that those patients who received this healing had miraculous healing results than those who did not. This technique exponentially increases your healing ability every time you use it.
Handouts include all the information in this workshop.
This class may be taken on your own or in a group.
Online or in-person and it can be scheduled at your convenience.